IDS Copenhagen Winner Show in Ballerup
Coton CPH ROCKED the show….
My homemade beauties took it all ❤
BOB Coton CPH´s Caspian of Narnia Copenhagen Winner 2019 BEST OF GROUP #3
BOS Coton CPH´s Magic Molly Copenhagen Winner 2019
BOB Puppy Coton CPH´s New Sparkling Edition RESERVE BEST IN SHOW
I´m over the Moon ….
Much has happened here in 2017, here are some of my highlights: |
My 2. generation, Kenya has had an amazing start in the showring BIS baby - BIS puppy - 2 x r.BIS puppy - BIS junior - all at IDS with 9 month she took her first title as San Marino Junior CH and went on with a BIS junior with over 55 diff breeds - SHE IS ALL I HOPED FOR!!
Her father Caspian has done fantastic as well - several Groupwins and placements here in 2017 and a BEST IN SHOW.
Caspians sibling Bertha, came back to the showring after over 1 year break because of her surgery last year - and ended her San Marino CH and the week after took her last CACIB in Slovenia and ended her Championship of International Beauty - she makes my so proud. My little fighter.
My offspring all over the world has made TOP results as well:
Coton CPH´s Gangsta Billy The Kid is already Grand CH of Canada and has won several Group Placements and Wins Coton CPH´s Holding Back The Years several Junior CH titles and a Group Win for Junior Coton CPH´s House Of Cards took the Breed in Odense with some titles and the BOS on Bornholm - already 2 x CAC in DK in hard competition Coton CPH´s Dream On Baby several CH titles and a Group Placement, where I had the honor to walk her ❤
But the TOP of the Cake, was when my Team Coton CPH together took 2 x BEST IN SHOW & res. BEST IN SHOW BREEDERGROUP on Bornholm in august 2017. Like an OSCAR for a breeder.
I will Never forget this weekend. Thanks guys.
My Kennel Rocked the Toy Group Specialty NAT Hedensted Double show |
My homemade Boy Caspian took BOB with CAC and CACIB in Bø Telemark, Norway 18.2-2017 Under breedjudge: Inger Ronander, Norway
That means he now can add Norwegian and Nordic Champion to his CV - his 3. title within 2 month here in Denmark.
HOT NEWS from IDS Fredericia, 12.2-2017 34 Cotons - Judge Lilliane de Ridder Onghena, Belgium |
BOB baby Coton CPH´s House of Cards - Spacey For the 2. time in a row BOB baby, again with an outstanding judgerepport
BOB puppy Semper Amigo Endless Love - Emma For the 4. time in a row BOB puppy. Our judge loved her
BOB with CACIB Jespersen´s Invictus After 8 month break from exhibitions, Victus is back, and rocked the show

BOB baby Coton CPH´s House of Cards "Spacey" |
Stockholm Nordic Winner show 2015 My team of father and son did it again..... ♥ Both got the title of Nordic Winners 2015
31 adult Cotons, Judge Torbjörn Skaar, SE
Caspian BEST junior male in a strong line of 6. He was the youngest EXC1, CQ, BM4 res. CAC Nordic Junior Winner 2015
Victus winner of Champion Class EXC1, CQ, BM, CAC, CACIB, BOB Nordic Winner 2015
They are amazing....... WHAT A YEAR FOR MY KENNEL ♥
Time flies SO fast...... 8 weeks are gone, and my babies have moved to their new wonderful Forever homes ♥ |
Coton CPH´s Fairy Tale will live in Sweden as showdog
Coton CPH´s Funky Super Nova, will live in Allerød, DK as showdog
Coton CPH´s Fire in My Heart & Soul, will live in Charlottenlund, DK
Coton CPH´s Funny Frasier, will live in Hillerød, DK
Coton CPH´s Enzo The Fast & Furious - will stay at home - our new addition ♥ ♥
Coton CPH Puppies have arrived.....
E-litter - born 21.10-2015 Coton CPH´s Enzo The Fast & Furious (male)
DAM: Mi-Toi´s Euphoria SIRE: Jespersen´s Invictus
F-litter - born 24.10-2015 Coton CPH´s Funky Super Nova (female) Coton CPH´s Funny Frasier (male) Coton CPH´s Fire In My Heart & Soul (male) Coton CPH´s Fairy Tale (male)
DAM: Ipanema Girl des Fleurs d´Aloes SIRE: Jespersen´s Invictus
Both litters are doing very fine. All puppies are reserved.
Canis Minor KSS Herlufmagle National 3-4.10 2015
 I´m so very happy and satisfied with my team :) |
Great weekend for Team Coton CPH Victus BOB + Club.CAC Caspian 2 x CAC + j.CAC - Caspian´s 3. "real" CAC with only 10 month in age
And "our" Candy was visiting us from Germany, only 9 month in age and for the first time in Junior Class. - she did an amazing job on her 3. show ever - EXC both days with wonderful judgerepports in a very strong line of 6 junior females - Sunday EXC.4. |
DKK Hillerød Copenhagen Winner 2015 19.9-2015 |
Amazing results for my Kennel.... I´m so H A P P Y!!!
Victus first time in CH.Class - EXC1 CQ, BM1, CACIB, BOB - KBHV15
Caspian 2. time in Junior Class - EXC1 CQ, BM3 CAC - KBHJV15 |
HOT NEWS from Tågarp, Sweden - national 12.09.2015 Judge: Marie Petersen, Denmark |
Eurodog Show 2015, Norway & Club Show Breed Speciality What a great experience for my Kennel....WAUW
DKK Bornholm International 15-16.8 2015 |
Victus, Caspians father did a SUPER job as well 1 x BOB with CAC & CACIB 1 x BOS with CAC & CACIB He is right now DKK Breedwinner no.1 - lets see how it ends
My homebreed STAR Caspian did it again.....only 8 month young He has never missed to win his classes yet :-)
2 x BOB puppy & BIS1 & BIS2 puppy (more than 40 other breeds)With wonderful judgerapports both daysSpecial breed judge Inger Ronander, Norway:
8 Months - Beautiful silhouet, with all characteristic that the Breed Has! Excellent Well placed shoulder, which gives the correct lenght of steps, legs in harmoni with the Body, excellent Coat Quality, An Excellent representative of The Breed!
I´m so very proud of both of them.
Tvååker, Sweden 10-11. july 2015 INT & NAT |
Gørlev national 23-24.5 20152 days show with 2 shows every day !
I brought my young hope from own breeding: Caspian with me on saturdays 2 show. He did it again - BOB baby both times - He is amazing, walking like a proff..... 1. show 7 babies - and he was the only baby with VP... and later on BIS 3 baby in Main Ring Judge:Ronald Besoff strongly made dog good prop. exellent bite and dentition, good head, well laid shoulders, good topline, sound angulation, tailset good , coat ex. texture, moves true comming and going, shows good drive hind, good reach sound topline, 2. show 4 babies Judge: Kitty Sjong 5 ½ mdr. velskåret hoved, korrekt øre og øjne, let markeret stop, velansat øre, god hals, korrekt overlinje, velansat hale, acceptable haser, gode benstammer og poter god brystdybde, god substans i kroppen, korrekt pelskvalitet, bevæger sig snævert i bag og ustabil fremme |
Victus did also very well
1.show 29 dogs - BOB - his 8. danish CAC - and 3. BOB in a row....
2.show 26 dogs - EXC 1 CK Intermediate 3. best male
3.show 20 dogs - EXC 1 CK Intermediate 3. best male
4.show 19 dogs - EXC 1 CK Intermediate 2. best male res.cac |
Louis entered only on 2.show and got himself his 13. Championship
2.show 26 dogs - EXC 1 CK Championclass with KSS club CAC NEW KSS CLUB CHAMPION
I´m so very proud of my 3 boys ♥♥♥
Jeg er blevet interviewet til Dansk Kennel Klubs medlemsblad HUNDEN (mere end 3000 i oplag) omkring at holde lopper og flåter fra døren.
Fin artikel med skønne billeder af mine hunde. Magasinet HUNDEN kan også købes i udvalgte kiosker.
DKK CACIB Roskilde 25-26.4 2015
No words can describe how proud and happy I am....
My own breed Caspian, almost 5 month of age: BOB baby His first show, and walked like a proff :-) He only entered on saturday
Victus both days BOB with CAC and CACIB and Cruft qualified for 2016. 33 cotons saturday and 29 on sunday (in rain)
This young male has done an amazing job so far - several titles, several group placements 7 danish CAC´s + 1 norwegian, 3 danisk CACIB + 1 norwegian

Great news from Bergen, Norway International show 12.4-2015
Invictus BOB with CAC & CACIB
It means when he with 2 years of age finnish his danish CH.title, he will be Norwegian CH as well. I´m so proud of my young male.
Thanks to our judge from Ireland Colette Molduun. |
HOT NEWS These 2 beauties will stay at home ❤ ❤
 Coton CPH´s Creme de la Creme |
Siblings after
Sire: Jespersen´s Invictus Dam: Fashion Victim des Fleur d´Aloés
I´m very very pleased with this combination. It will be repeated later this year or next year.
 Coton CPH´s Caspian of Narnia |
Our C + D-litter has arrived All puppies are reserved |
Fashion gave December 2. birth to 2 beautiful colored females and 1 all white male:
Coton CPH´s Creme de la Creme (female) 204 gram Coton CPH´Cashmere Dream (female) 184 gram Coton CPH´s Caspian of Narnia (male) 218 gram (They are 7 days on the pictures)
Neema gave December 7, birth to 2 beautiful all white males and 1 all white female: Coton CPH´s Dream Come True (male) 145 gram Coton CPH´s Dream Catcher (male) 148 gram Coton CPH´s Dream On Baby (female) 151 gram (There will come pictures of our Dream-team when they are a week)
All puppies are doing GREAT, they have all gained weight as they should, and their proud moms love to nurse them.
Year 2014 has been an amazing showyear for my 3 showdogs:Jespersen´s Invictus has been shown 10 times as Junior in DK - and he did an amazing job. 3 x j.CAC´s, 5 CAC´s, 2 x BOB, 1 x BOS, 1 BIG3 & 1 BIG4, 2 x BIS junior 4 new titles Danish Junior Winner 2014, Club Junior Champion, Toy Winner Junior 2014 and Toy Winner 2014. DKK 3. most winning Coton in 2014.Victus is 14. month in ageJespersen´s Louis Vuitton has only been shown 6 times this year, but always placed in top 4 of Best Male in very hard competition + 2 new CACIB (his 19-20. CACIB) + 3 x Club CAC - but I think he will survive with his 12. Championtitles :-))))Ipanema Girl des Fleurs d´Aloes has only been shown 5 times here in DK this year with excellent results - 2 x CAC´s in hard competition and a BOS title (40 dogs). She will turn 2 year in january 2015, were I hope to finish her danish CH. title. She is now expecting puppies in december. So she will take a brake from show.Thanks for all your support. It mean the world to me! Thanks to my dogs wondeerful breedersAnd a special thanks to all the judges who believed in my dogs - THANKS!!
Bettina Martens Owner and founder of Coton Cph

DKK Herning International, 1-2. november - Danish Winner show 2014
Invictus did it again - out of 42 dogs, 2. best male with CAC - his 5.
And best Junior - got the title Danish Junior Winner 2014
Our Judge Tamas Jakkel was very long in doubt whether he should put Victus up as best Male, or a 6 year old Championmale Conrad. He chose Conrad (Championmale) who won because he was fully developed - Victus's still only Junior and 14 months old. I´m so very proud of him <3
He also was 3. most winning Coton in 2014 - and he is still Junior!!
Now we take a brake from show, and getting prepared for our puppies start december. |
Hot news: We expect puppies start december 2014
Jespersen´s Invictus has sired: Fashion Victim des Fleur d´Aloes, around 5. december Ipanema Girl des Fleur d´Aloes, around 10. december
All 3 dogs are fully healthtestet and CLEAR - please read more on their pages. All our puppies are reserved from these 2 litters Please contact me for further informations about 2015 litters.
Amazing show weekend at DKK Bornholm International and KSS national 15-16-17.9 2014 |
Judgerepports of both boys:
Louis: Jean-Francois Vanaken: Very nice champion who offers this champion class a real honor. He is all balance
Joanne Sewell: Superbe moving little dog with correct head and pigementation, neck, topline and tailset. High quality coat. Extremely good body blanced fore and hindquaters.
Ole Staunskjær: Prima størrelse, korrekt helhedsindtryk, hoved, velpigmenteret. Super godt udtryk, korrekt overlinje, med velansat og båret hale. Godt vinklet bag. Tip top farve pg pels. Bevæger sig prima.
Victus: Jean-Francois Vanaken: Excellent example of a coton, very attractive young male who has a very high quality and potential for a great career.
Joanne Sewell: Lovely young male with excellent head, correct color, well pigmentated, good neck, topline, tailset. Excellent coat, super body, moves exstremely well
Ole Staunskjær: 11 mdr. Godt helhedsindtryk. god størrelse. Dejligt hoved med vel udfyldt næseparti og korrekt skalle. Godt udtryk og meget velpigmenteret. flot bid. Prima front. Korrekt hals og overlinie. Velansat og båret hale. Godt vinklet. Korrekt masse i kroppen, anelse mere benstamme ønskeligt. Herlig pelsstruktur, der kunne være lidt dybere skørter.
Now I proudly announce that Invictus with only 11 month in age have his 3 danish CAC´s for the DK Championship - he has to wait until he turns 2 years old, to finish the championship. The same with Neema, she has also 3 danish CAC´s for the DK Championship, she turns 2 year in January 2015.
Thanks a lot to both breeders of my dogs :-) |

Invictus: 2 x BOB, 2 x CAC and BIG 3 and BIG 4 Louis: 3 x 2. best Male, 2 x CACIB, 1 x Club CAC Neema: 1 x 2. best Female, 1 x CAC, 1 x res. CACIB

Coton CPH´s 2 first born boys I´m so very proud of them both <3 |
KSS Gørlev National 7-8.6 2014 4 shows on 2 days
International Lingen, Germany 27.4-2014
Louis BOB with CAC, CACIB and new CTV Club Champion - his 12. Championtitle :-)
AND BIG 2 - out of more than 35 Grp. 9 breeds!!!!!
I have no words how proud I am
Louis and Luna became proud parents friday 14.03.2014 5 beautiful healthy puppies, 4 girls and 1 boy
2 all white girls 200 gram 1 white girl with black ears and spot on her tail 187 gram 1 white girl with 2 small spots on her side 200 gram 1 all white male, 230 gram
SKK International Malmø, Sweden 22.3-2014 & KSS National Strøby, Denmark 23.3-2014
Malmø - I brought my 2 young dogs!
Invictus, best puppy male and BOS puppy Neema, Junior Class, EXC 2 with CK and 4. Best Female
Strøby - I brought all 3 dogs!
Invictus, best puppy male and BOS puppy Neema, Junior Class, EXC 2 with CK Louis, Champion Class EXC. 2 with CK and 3. Best Male
2 wonderful showdays around good friends from Sweden and Denmark!
A great weekend in Brno, CZ Duo CACIB is over. Wonderful results for my dogs.
Jespersen's Louis Vuitton Both days BOB with CAC and CACIB. New CZ champion and BIG 4 saturday Cruft qualified 2015
Ipanema Girl des Fleurs d'Aloes junior BOB both days with jCAC Cruft qualified 2015
Jespersen's Invictus BOB baby both days.
Thanks to all the wonderful Cotonpeople around the ring for great support and thanks to both our judges Roberto Schill from Romania and F. Vaneken from Belgium.
First show in 2014, Fredericia CACIB here in Denmark, 8. february (65 cotons entered the show)
I brought my 2 young dogs, Neema and Victus - and they both did an amazing job.
Invictus winner of baby Male and later on BOB baby (11 babies)
Neema winner of Junior Class EXC 1, CK - BEST female with CAC & BOS. She was still to young for her CACIB... (13 month in age)
Thanks to our very friendly and gentle judge Zsuzsanna Petik (Hungary). She gave both my dogs wonderful judgerepports. |
Januar 2014

Helsinki 3 days Winner show December 2013
Fantastic weekend and results for both my dog.
It was like always very hard competition in Finland, but Louis managed to get a CAC on Saturdays show, and became Finnish Champion out of 38 Cotons.
Neema 3. best female at all with 11 month in age
The finnish Championship is Louis 8. Adult Championship - and he is still only 2 years old.
Christmas show (Skue) in Køge 1.dec. 2014
Invictus had his debut in the showring with 12 weeks in age!
My clever boy did SO well – BOS baby with a wonderful judgerepport. Judgde: Ole Staunskjær
BOB baby: Abby, Louis´s beautiful little daughter, 5 month in age
Neema BOB junior
Louis stayed at home :)
I´m so very proud of Louis
Super results as 2. most winning Coton in DKK 2013
He has only entered 3 danish DKK shows in 2013 ❤
KSS Middelfart national show 24.11-2013 (50 Cotons)
Neema got her FIRST CAC, with only 10 month in age – yipppiii :)
Winner of Junior female EXC1 with CK – Junior Club CAC.
2. Best Female at all with CAC, BOB Junior And between the 6 last in Main Ring
Louis 3. best male in Champion Class
International Genova, Italy 17. november 2013
Louis Best Male with CAC, CACIB and BOS
He has now 5 out of 6 CAC´s for his Italien Championship ❤
Neema Best Female Junior
Coton CPH welcome a new studdog in our Coton family.
A dream came true for me by owning this dog with his outstandig pedigree in my kennel:
Jespersen´s Invictus
Son of 2. Worldwinner Flamencoton Bahiya and Calvin CRF
I have great hope for him in the showring ❤
International DKK in Herning 3.11-2013 62 Cotons entered
Louis - EXC 5 in Champion Class Neema - EXC 2 in Junior Class
I have no words how happy and proud I am of both my dogs <3
And at last it turned out that Louis with only 4 entrence at DKK shows this year is 2. Breed Winner 2013 - because of 2 x BOB with 36 and 62 number of dogs ❤
International DKK in Herning 2.11-2013 62 Cotons entered
Louis winner of Champion Class Best Male with CACIB BOB
Judgerepport from Ingrid Borchorst, Denmark: Meget smuk maskulin han af korrekt størrelse og type. Velproportioneret hoved med korrekt udtryk, stærk pigment, god hals og overlinie. Bred lænd, velvinklet, korrekte bevægelser, pels og kondition
Neema - 9 month in age now, and for the first time in Junior Class EXC 2 with CK 3. Best female with res. CAC
Judgerepport from Ingrid Borchorst, Denmark: Meget tiltalende tæve af god størrelse og substans. Velproportioneret udtryksfuld hoved. Korrekt bid, god hals og skulder. Bred lænd, og god overlinie. Muskuløs bagpart, god pels og farve, gode bevægelser.
Douple show Club Cani Compagnia Lucca Italy 28-29.9-2013 – yipiiii
Louis won both days Open Class, Best Male 1 with CAC and BOB (SO PROUD)
Neema won Best Female and BOS Saturday and Best Female and BOB puppy on Sunday ❤
For the first time I entered Couple Class – and they both did so well!!
Now Louis has 4 out of the 6 CAC for the Italien Championship❤
DKK international Ballerup 22.09.2013 Copenhagen Winner 2013 – yipiiii
Louis got himself a new title at Ballerup International show!!
Winner of Champion Class with CK – Best Male 1 with CACIB – BOB
Copenhagen Winner 2013
Neema, Winner of female Puppy Class – BOB Puppy 8 out of 9 shows she went BOB baby or puppy…. She is such a sweetheart ❤
38 Cotons – Judge Carsten Birk, DK
European Dogshow Geneve 2013 I´m so proud and happy to could announce that Louis did it again – same results as at WORLD dog show in Budapest this year
Winner of Open Class with CAC – in hard competiton with the most beautiful males
Rang order:
1. Jespersen´s Louis Vuitton
2. Eron Of Fellino Cotons
3. Flamencoton Buffalo
4. Gonzo The Great du Courrier des Iles

European Dogshow Geneve 2013
European PUPPY Winner 2013 –Yipiiii….
My little prinzes, Ipanema Girl des Fleurs D´Aloés, 7 month in age
Could not be more proud of both my dogs!!

My 2 sweethearts did a wonderful job in Leipzig, Germany double International show 24-25.8 2013
Louis Winner of Open Class with CAC, Best male with CACIB and Leipzig Winner 2013
Neema Winner of female puppy Class, BOB puppy
Louis Winner of Open Class with CAC, Best male with CACIB, BOB and German Winner 2013
Neema Winner of female puppy Class, BOB puppy
Great news! Louis is with 2 years in age now Multichampion!
- Danish
- Swedish
- Norwegian
- Nordic
- Croatioan
- Young German VDH & CTV
- International Beauty Champion
- 10 x CACIB in 13 month – 8 different coutries
- 2 x res. CACIB
- 20 x CAC
- 7 x res.CAC
- 10 x BOB
He is an amazing young guy – always in good mood, and LOVE to enter the showring with me <3
Now he is the proud father of 3 litters alraidy, most of them we can follow in the showring.
Tvååker International & National 12-13.7 2013
These two showdays will never be forgotten
International 12.7: Best male with CAC and CACIB & BOB
National 13.7: Best male with CAC & BOB
On Friday Louis was NEW International Beauty Champion (10 CACIBS collected over 13 month)
On Saturday he became also NEW Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Nordic Beauty Champion
Summershow DKK Skue in Sandved 23.6-2013 Ipanema Girl des Fleurs d´Aloés, 5 month in age did it again… For the 2. time she went BIS 1 (this time aprox 19 breeds)
She has now entred at 4 shows, 3 x BOB baby, 2 x BIS 1 & 1 x BIS 5
Our judge Hanne Laine Jensen, was VERY happy with her :
Feminin af god højde og længde. Velkroppet passede lang og bred.
God balance mellem skalle og næseparti. Smukke øjne og fine velansatte ører. Velbåren hals. Korrekt let velvet overlinje. Velbåren hale. Velkroppet med korrekte vinkler. Sunde effektive bevægelser. Excellent pels.
Pisa International/National 8-9. juni 2013 Louis and I have startet for the Italien Championship. -Our first show was in Pisa, 2 days show - and we startet so well.
Both days Louis was BOB, and won 2 CAC´s and 1 CACIB
Judge on saturday was Yolanda Nagel Judge on sunday was Moira Cook Grant
Both judges loved my boy. Moira asked if she could bring him home with her
KSS National show in Gørlev 25-26.5 2013. I brought both my dogs for the first time – and what a great succes for little Neema, 18 weeks in age
25.5 Neema got in her puppy class Very Promising (VP) and 2. best female with an wonderful judgerepport Louis EXC 2. with CK in Champion Class, 3. Best male with res.cac
26.5 Neema got VP, best female puppy, BOB puppy and BIS 1 in Ring of Honor – WOUW!!!!! Louis EXC 1. with CK in Champion Class, 4. Best male I´m so very proud of both my dogs!!
World Dog Show (WDS) in Budapest, Hungary 2013 Jespersen´s Louis Vuitton Winner of Open Class with CAC in hard competition with 7 outstanding males. For the first time entering such a GREAT show, and went home with so wonderful results. He is so specieal <3
No. 1 – Jespersen´s Louis Vuitton No. 2 – Mi-Toi´s Sharp dressed Man No. 3 – Eron of Fellino Cotons No. 4 – Captain Jack Sparrow from Hallow Ranch |
One more proud announcement:
Dolly Du Castel De La Roche Aux Fées & Jespersen´s Louis Vuitton
Born: 14.4-2013 3 females and 1 male
1 white female 245 gram 1 white male 225 gram 1 white female with color on ears and 3 spots on back 215 gram 1 white female with color on ears 245 gram
The female belongs to kennel Sejer-Milland in Denmark by Aage Sejer Milland. More info: www.sejer-milland.dk
 The proud father Jespersen´s Louis Vuitton |
 The beautiful puppies |
 The proud mom Dolly Du Castel De La Roche Aux Fées |
What surprice - Louis is in TOP of the most winning Coton Males in Germany 2012 Do I have to say how amazed and proud I am.... 
Our new family member, hope for the showring and breeding
Ipanema Girl des Fleurs D´Aloes
She moved from France monday the 18.3.2013, and is alraidy loved SO much.
Never met such an outgoing and confident little beauty
 Sire: Ghost Face de Fleurs d´Aloés
Dam: Class du Pays Landais |
Yes!! Our first CACIB arrived this morning from FCI/DKK in my mailbox.
It was from DKK International in Ballerup 16.6-2012.
Since Ballerup Louis has won totally 7 CACIB's from 5 different countries. But we need the last one after the 17.6-2013 - and then he is International Champion ♥ |
Now it is officiel:Jespersen's Louis Vuitton is now Croatian Beauty Champion, CH HR This is Louis third Champion title this year! I'm so proud what this young male has achieved with 21 month in age:
Titles: German Young Champion VDH German Young Champion CTV Leipzig Winner 2012 Zagreb Winner 2012 Croatian Champion CRUFT qualified 2013 Norwegian Winner 2012 |
Internationalt show Lillestrøm, Norge 25.11-2012 Jespersen´s Louis Vuittton 21 month in age – did it again again…
24 fantastic dogs entered the show. 5 beautiful champ males and 3 champ females. 7 males were running for best male
Louis BOB with CAC, CACIB and Norwegian Winner 2012
I can proud announce: when Louis turns 2 year in february 2013 and get his last danish CAC – he will at once be:
Danish – Swedish – Norwegian – Nordic – Croatian – Young German champion
In June 2013 – he can get his last CACIB and he will be International Champ In August 2013 – he can get his last German CAC, and he will be German champ as well
International CACIB show Zagreb, Croatia 17-18. november 2012
Louis did it again!! With only 20 month in age, he won over several beautiful Champion males and females in Zagreb!
First day: Intermediate EXC1, CAC, CACIB, BOB and Cruft qualified
Second day: Intermediate EXC1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Zagreb Winner 2012
And because it was a speciel double CACIB show – he is now Croatian Champion!!

Dortmund National and International & Unna clubshow 12-14. october 2012
Jespersen´s Louis Vuitton won all 3 Intermediate classes with CAC and wonderful judgerepports from both german judges!
On the clubshow in Unna, he was BOB and BIS 2 - thanks to judge Pieter Burema from Holland for an outstanding judgerepport.
We brought with us home 4 x CAC from this weekend, because the International was douple CAC.
Louis has now his 5 CAC´s for the German Championship, but he has to wait a year from the first to the last – so we have to og back in august again! |

International DKK show in Vejen 15-16.9 2012
Saturday: Louis won Intermediate EXC 1 with CK, and 2. Best Male at all with CAC and CACIB Big thanks to judge Liliane De Ridder-Onghena, Belgien – She really loved him!
Sunday: Louis won Intermediate EXC 1 With CK Thanks to Dagmar Klein from Romania, for a wonderful judgereport

Louis´s first two Championships – I´m so proud of my boy!
International show Sofiero, Sweden 8. sep 2012

Jespersen´s Louis Vuitton won Intermediate EXC.1 with CK and 2. Best Male with CAC and Res.CACIB Now he is ready for the Swedish championship as well
Leipzig National and International CACIB 18-19.8-2012
National: Junior EXC1, CAC, BEST Junior and BOB International: Intermediate EXC1, CAC, CACIB and BOB
Title of Leipzig Winner 2012
Thanks to the two judges Mr. Deutscher and Dr. Peper for outstanding judge reports!!
Louis has only entered 3 shows at all in Germany, and is now VDH und CTV (Coton Verein) Juniorchampion – his first 2 titles!! International CACIB und National i Bremen, den 4 og 5 august 2012
4. august Junior class, Excellent 1 with CAC, BOB Junior 5. august Junior class, Excellent 1 with CAC Thanks to judge Robert Blümel and Jochen Eberhardt for 2 wonderful judge reports.
DKK International show in Ballerup 16-17. Juni 2012
(First time Louis entered Intermediate class) 16. juni Intermediate Excellent 1 with CK – 2. BHK with CACIB 17. juni Intermediate Excellent 1 with CK Thanks to judge Mrs. Birte Scheel (DK) for giving him his first CACIB, and to judge Michael Leonard from Irland. Both days wonderful critics from the judges – He is my little star STAR
International CACIB Neumunster Tyskland d. 2. Juni 2012
 Vinder af junior klassen med Cert/CAC, BIR/BOB junior. BIS 1 gr.9 ______________________________________________________________
KSS Ålborg dobbeltudstilling den 26-27. maj 2012

1. udstilling Vinder af Juniorklassen med CK, 2.BHK med CERT/CAC. BIR Junior og BIS 1 2. udstilling Vinder af Juniorklassen med CK. BIR Junior og BIS 2 3. udstilling Vinder af Juniorklassen med CK, 2.BHK med CERT/CAC. BIR Junior og BIS4 4. udstilling af Juniorklassen Exc. 3
 DKK Ålborg national udstilling 28 maj 20121. udstilling Exc. 2 af Juniorklassen med CK, 4.BHK med Res. CERT/CAC  Jeg er SÅ stolt af min lille fyr :-) _______________________________________________________________
Udstillingskritikker fra:
DKK International show 5-6.maj 2012 Juniorclass
Judge: Kerstin Nilsson, DK Excellent. 2 vinder med CK 5. best han Maskulin fremtoning, rigtig godt udtryk, godt pigment, fin sort mund og stærk underkæbe, udemærket hals, let markeret manke, fin ryglinje, godt forbryst, lige forben, velkroppet, velvinklet forparti, godt ansat hale, meget velpræsenteret pels, suveræne bevægelser Judge: Seamus Oates, Irland Excellent. 2 vinder
Lovely type, growing well, very nice head, Well domed Scull, good bite and ears, Nice front, deep chest, correct topline, good hind, very good coat quality, moves well. 